FSSA Presentations
FSSA members have access to an extensive library of past Annual Forum session recordings, webinars and more! These resources are member-only and require login to access.
annual forum sessions
Access on-demand recordings and presentations from as far back as 2013 or re-watch a few favorites from the 2024 Annual Forum:
- Special Hazard Systems Through the Application of NFPA 909 and 914
- AHJ NFPA 855 Best Practices Panel Discussion
- CRM Use and Implementation
- NFPA 2001 Inert Clean Agents for Fire Suppression
- AIM Act Updates, and more!
FSSA is devoted to providing members with the most relevant information surrounding the special hazard fire protection industry and opportunities to further professional development. A favorite from 2023, Differentiating PFAS, identified differences of the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’ PFAS used in fire protection, how to characterize them in their end use, and the current and proposed regulation. This is one of many quarterly webinar presentations available for members on-demand.
Short for Special Hazards Awareness, Promotion and Education, SHAPE is FSSA's public relations initiative intended to educate end users and those who influence their fire protection decisions about the benefits of special hazards suppression systems. Feel free to adapt this presentation template when explaining the importance of special hazard fire protection to clients and the community.