FSSA Leadership & Committees
The Fire Suppression Systems Association mission is to be the leading authority and advocate of special hazard fire protection. As a volunteer organization, we depend on the work of our leadership and volunteers who carry out the work of the association.
2024-2025 Board of Directors
PRESIDENT: Brett Straten | Associated Fire Protection, Inc.
VICE PRESIDENT: Bob Ballard | Victaulic
SECRETARY/TREASURER: Peter Particelli | Fire Equipment, Inc.
IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT: Brenton Harris | The Protectowire Company, Inc.
- Scott Bailey | Koorsen Fire & Security
- Lance Harry | Fireaway, Inc.
- Paul Hayes | Hiller
- Michael Kiamanesh | WAYSMOS USA INC
- Al Thornton | The Chemours Company
- Jeremy Wheeler | 3S Incorporated
CHAIR: Scott Sherman | TJ Nowak Supply Company, Inc. VICE CHAIR: Steve Rice | Summit Fire & Security
CHAIR: Rick Seidel | Fike Corporation VICE CHAIR: Stefan Sekula | Viking Corporation
Committees & Task Forces
Click on each committee below to learn more and submit your interest of participating on a committee today. FSSA Committees run on an April 1 - March 31 year. Interested in serving? Submit a committee interest!
Codes & Standards Oversight Committee Chair: Kevin Kelly | Victaulic
FSSA has representatives who serve on the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Committees on behalf of the association and the industry. Our representatives provide a summary report containing pertinent activity from committee meetings or task groups, for all FSSA members. As a member, you benefit from gaining insight on new and/or existing codes and standards, in addition to having the opportunity to represent FSSA on NFPA committees. NFPA representatives are expected to:
- Represent the collective views and positions of the FSSA.
- Be dedicated to the entire process, with intent to attend all meetings and respond to all ballots.
- Provide a summary report containing pertinent activity at any Industry Association Committee meeting or Task Group meeting.
Headquarters will distribute communication regarding vacancies in this committee. The FSSA Technical Committee will review the applications and will make a recommendation to the Board of Directors for final approval.
Global Outreach Committee Chair: Peter Hallinan | SSi Fire Solutions Vice Chair: Brooke Fishback | The Protectowire Company, Inc.
The FSSA Global Outreach Committee works to grow the FSSA membership globally by focusing on building credibility and value in the EMEA and APAC regions, increasing our global presence by building regional partnerships with industry organizations through co‐branding webinars and publications, and explore international chapter establishment to create greater value in growth regions.
Marketing Committee Chair: vacant
This committee oversees efforts to generate awareness of the benefits of special hazards fire suppression systems. The committee acts to establish communication strategies and marketing initiatives. The committee works to develop the FSSA website and social media, ensuring relevant and current content. The committee collaborates with all other FSSA committees to disseminate information through communications channels, and evaluate how initiatives are performing and improve.
Membership Committee Chair: Gary Paul | The Protectowire Company, Inc.
The FSSA Membership Committee reviews names and qualifications of desirable FSSA prospects. Active member solicitation activities are also the functions of this committee. Actively recruit potential members to the association, screen new applicants by checking references and websites and make a recommendation to the board of directors for admittance into the FSSA.
PFAS Task Force Chair: Al Thornton | The Chemours Company
The PFAS Task Force was created in response to growing concerns regarding proposed and/or promulgated legislation banning or restricting the use of some PFAS. The goal is to educate by providing scientifically based information and resources on the future of fire suppression agents that may be impacted by PFAS regulations, provide updates to members surrounding ongoing changes to the landscape, and advocate with various regulators on the behalf of FSSA membership and the fire suppression industry.
Program Committee Chair: Todd Stevens | SEVO Industrial Fire Protection
This committee develops the FSSA Annual Forum which offers educational sessions, division meetings and the opportunity to network with industry peers. More specifically, the committee works to develop appropriate content topics and potential speakers for the forum, assists in identifying sponsorships and other opportunities to generate revenue for the annual forum.
Public Policy Committee Chair: Joe McElvaney | Hiller
This committee provides leadership and expertise for FSSA's public policy efforts and to help FSSA monitor those public policies related to FSSA's purposes. The public policy committee also identifies, evaluates and monitors social, political and environmental trends, issues and concerns. The committee also assists the FSSA Board of Directors in analyzing these public policy trends and how they may impact fire protection activities and performance.
Technical Committee Chair: Lee Kaiser | ORR Protection Systems, Inc.
FSSA’s Technical Committee reviews technical matters related to issues that are important to the membership and recommends courses of action to the board of directors. The committee executes special projects that are technical in nature. The committee conducts formal reviews and prepares proposals and/or comments on behalf of FSSA on public documents that relate to special hazard fire protection such as NFPA, UL and other important codes and standards. Headquarters will distribute communication regarding technical committee elections when a seat is vacant.
Training & Development Committee Chair: John Demeter | Wesco HMB
The FSSA Training & Development Committee (formerly the education committee) develops association programs and activities to educate personnel within the fire suppression industry. The education committee manages the content of the FSSA Training Program and FSSA Educational Foundation, suggests appropriate FSSA webinar content topics and potential speakers to the marketing committee.
FSSA Educational Foundation
President: Pam Boyer | BFPE International
The FSSA Educational Foundation awards scholarships annually to talented and worthy individuals within the fire suppression industry.
FSSA Headquarters Team
Becca Stinner, CAE | Executive Director Crista LeGrand, CAE, CMP | Managing Director Kim Shaw | Director, Marketing & Member Services George Keeley | Legal Counsel Tom Wysocki | Technical Director
FSSA Past Presidents