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NEW FSSA WHITE PAPER AVAILABLE: Wet Collections Fire Protection: An Overview

Released January 21, 2025

Wet collections are natural history specimens immersed in liquid preservative solutions and typically stored or displayed in glass or plastic containers. The preservative solutions are predominantly ethanol, formalin or isopropanol.

The primary purpose of wet collections is for scientific research. In some instances, wet collections may be of species that are rare or extinct. These collections are not only irreplaceable, but they are also inherently hazardous to store and handle without proper precautions.

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Call for Manufacturer & Installer Division Meeting Topics!

FSSA is in the process of preparing the agenda for the division meetings at the 2025 Annual Forum. If you are a FSSA Installer or Manufacturer Member, please take a minute to submit topics that you'd like to have discussed during the March 3 meeting. (Member login is required.)


The deadline to submit topics is January 13, 2025.

FSSA Members Needed for the NJ Fire Protection Equipment Advisory Committee

Calling FSSA Members in the NJ area:

The New Jersey Division of Fire Safety's Fire Protection Equipment Advisory Committee is looking for applicants that are members of FSSA to serve on this New Jersey committee.

The purpose of the committee is to make recommendations to the Commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs. Recommendations may include rules and regulations pertaining to professional training, standards, identification, and record keeping procedures for certificate holders and their employees, classifications of certificates necessary to regulate the work of certificate holders and other matters necessary to effectuate the sections of the Uniform Fire Safety Act. Pursuant to N.J.S.A.52:27D-25o, the Director of the Division of Fire Safety shall serve ex officio, as well as eleven public members appointed by the Governor.

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FSSA at the NFPA 2024 Conference

Hello FSSA Members,

Are you attending the upcoming NFPA 2024 Conference June 17-19 in Orlando? If so, we invite you to join us for the following FSSA sessions:

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Scholarship Opportunities Available for Students Studying Fire Protection


Please share this information with anyone you may know who is or will be enrolled in a fire protection program and/or any schools that have a fire  protection program.  To qualify for a scholarship, the applicant must complete the FSSA Scholarship Application online form and upload the necessary documents to FSSA Educational Foundation Headquarters by Saturday, June 1, 2024.

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Call for Special Project Volunteers on the FSSA Training Program

The online FSSA Training Program is an important part of our mission as the leading authority and advocate of special hazard fire protection. FSSA is proud to offer this program as a complimentary benefit to members due to the continued support of volunteer contributors.

This year, we are excited to work on improvements and course material updates to better serve our industry. One of our primary goals in improving the learning experience is to add video presentations (or think of them as mini prerecorded webinars) to each course. The FSSA Training & Development Committee is calling for volunteers to help with this project.

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FSSA Files for Clean Agent Exemptions from PFAS Laws in Maine and Minnesota

FSSA has filed petitions in Maine and Minnesota, seeking a Currently Unavoidable Use (CUU) exemption from the Maine PFAS law and the Minnesota PFAS law that seek to regulate products containing “intentionally added PFAS.”  These laws define PFAS so broadly they would encompass certain clean agent fire suppressant agents, including HFC-227ea, FK-5-1-12 and HFC-125.

Copies of the FSSA petitions are linked below.

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Information Bulletin from FPA Australia: Selection and Use of Firefighting Foams

The FSSA Global Outreach Committee is connecting with other like organizations with the goal of sharing information across the industry.  The Fire Protection Association of Australia published the following information bulletin, Selection and Use of Firefighting Foams.

The purpose of this Information Bulletin is to increase awareness of the issues surrounding the selection and use of firefighting foams based on their:

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Reach Your Target Audience as an Annual Forum Exhibitor!

The Fire Suppression Systems Association (FSSA) is the leading authority and advocate of special hazard fire protection. As the industry’s premier annual event for education and networking, the FSSA Annual Forum attracts a select group of top decision-makers in the industry. This year, we are expecting another record-breaking attendance, with more than 125 attendees registered.

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Have You Booked Your Hotel Room for the Annual Forum Yet?

FSSA is excited to host our 2024 Annual Forum at the historic Wigwam featuring elegant rooms and suites, three championship golf courses, three swimming pools, a tennis center, 440 acres of beautifully landscaped grounds, a world-class meeting center and more. There are so many things you'll love about The Wigwam, one of the top Arizona luxury resorts.

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Take Advantage of Annual Forum Sponsorship Opportunities While They Last!

The Fire Suppression Systems Association (FSSA) is the leading authority and advocate of special hazard fire protection. As the industry’s premier annual event for education and networking, the FSSA Annual Forum attracts a select group of top decision-makers in the industry.

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FSSA Publishes Statement on PFAS Regulation

At the request of FSSA membership, the FSSA PFAS Task Force has published the FSSA Advocacy Statement on Clean Agent Fire Suppressants and PFAS Regulation.

This document supports FSSA’s position that a “total ban” approach to PFAS compounds could impact society’s ability to protect mission critical applications, which keep people safe. Any legislation or regulation that restricts the manufacture, import, distribution, sale, or use of PFAS should exclude Clean Agents when they are used in fire and explosion protection applications. The document outlines the difference between PFAS, clean agents fire suppressants, and clean agents to help clearly define this issue for our members and provide fact-based information and guidance to regulators, AHJs, architects, the consulting design community, and other industry stakeholders. FSSA supports rational science-based efforts to eliminate sources of harm to humans and the environment. Due to the high risk to society in eliminating all PFAS materials due to an unnecessarily broad classification of compounds, we advocate for a scientific approach that distinguishes between Persistent,  Bioaccumulative and Toxic PFAS (PBTs) compounds from those which are not known to be PBT, based upon the best available science.

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An Update from the FSSA PFAS Task Force

FSSA Members:

We hope everyone is enjoying the start of summer! The FSSA PFAS Task Force has been continuing to meet weekly to provide updates, resources, and webinars for you. 

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FSSA Educational Foundation Scholarship Opportunities

Scholarship Opportunities Available for Students Studying Fire Protection

Supported by contributions from the fire suppression industry and other business groups and individuals, the FSSA Educational Foundation awards scholarships each year to candidates who are already or will be participating in fire protection programs at their universities to help them meet the ever-rising cost of a college education.

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FSSA Message from the President

Brenton Harris, 2023-2024 FSSA President

FSSA Members:

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Here's a Sneak Peak of the 2023 Annual Forum Educational Sessions

FSSA has some dynamic speakers, educational sessions, and technical sessions planned for the 2023 Annual Forum. Attendees will be able to earn PHDs, discuss real-time issues affecting the fire suppression industry, and network with over 140+ FSSA members at the partner expo. Check out some of the educational sessions below and make sure to register today!

Keynote Speaker: Vered Kogan

Leading Change With the Heart in Mind
Presented By: Vered Kogan

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Technical Committee Openings for 2023 - Are You The Right Fit?

Technical Committee Openings for 2023 - Are You the Right Fit?

To:  FSSA Installer and Manufacturer Division Members

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EPA’s Proposed Explanation of Who is a HFC “Fire Suppressant Recycler”

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) in the November 3 Federal Register (2022-23269.pdf ( NPRM covers changes and clarifications to its regulations on HFC contained in 40 CFR 84. Within the NPRM the following footnote provides EPA’s an explanation of the term “fire suppressant recycler.”

Footnote 48 Page 66394 (Page 23 in the PDF document): 

Generally, an entity that collects used HFC fire suppressants and directly resells those recovered HFCs—with or without any additional reprocessing including testing for purity—to another person for reuse as a fire suppressant would qualify as a fire suppressant recycler (also referred to as a ‘‘recycler for fire suppression’’ in 40 CFR part 84, subpart A).

A person that recovers and aggregates used HFC fire suppressants for distribution to another entity for reprocessing before being sold for reuse as a fire suppressant would not be a fire suppressant recycler. 

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The Launch of the FSSA Blog

The Fire Suppression Systems Association (FSSA) is proud to announce the launch of our official blog.

The fast-growing membership and influence of our organization domestically and internationally has resulted in an urgent need for a place to make regular updates. Our hope is that the new FSSA blog will be a place to drive conversation and innovation while also serving to keep our audience at the forefront of the latest industry developments.

The FSSA blog will seek contributions from leading product developers, system engineers, policy makers, and others—all in an effort to be the premier source for all-things fire protection.

Please make sure to subscribe, bookmark, and share and check back regularly to stay in the loop. We encourage everyone to comment on posts and make requests for content that would benefit you in your particular field.

We are excited to interact with the fire protection industry in a new way and look forward to adding even more community-minded tools in the future.