DOT PHMSA to Host Forum to Discuss Future Research and Development Activities
The Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (DOT PHMSA) is holding a virtual forum on November 15 and 16, 2022 to discuss future research and development activities related to LNG facilities. One of the task groups will consider fire protection system design. FSSA members who have an interest in protection of liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities may want to participate in this forum to supply information and guidance to the PHMSA. Information on the forum is below:
The Department of Transportation
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Pipeline Safety Research Program
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Research and Development (R&D) Public Meeting and Forum
Virtual Event - November 15 & 16, 2022
The public meeting and forum will serve as an opportunity for stakeholders to discuss research gaps and challenges in the LNG industry. Furthermore, it will also serve as a venue for PHMSA, public interest groups, industry, academia, intergovernmental partners, and the public to collaborate on PHMSA's future R&D agenda.
The morning of the first day will include general session with panel discussions among government, industry, research consortiums, and environmental advocacy stakeholders on LNG facility safety R&D research topics. The afternoon of the first day and the entirety of the second day will be the virtual public forum which will consist of smaller workgroups that members of the public will have an opportunity to sign up for in advance.
PHMSA hopes to discuss and receive public feedback in four areas:
- LNG Facility Design and Construction – including process, piping, and control system design, process hazard analysis, vapor handling, structural members, and construction testing requirements.
- LNG Facility Siting – including passive and active protection and potential safety gaps in 49 CFR 193 and industry technical standards.
- LNG Facility Fire Protection System Design – including firewater system design, fire and gas detection technology, emergency shutdown systems, and hazard controls.
- LNG Operation and Maintenance – LNG Operation and Maintenance, including plans and procedures (best practices), safe work practices, human factors, incident investigation and reporting, reporting requirements, inspection and testing, maintenance and repairs, corrosion protection, and personnel protection.
Information on the forum and a link to the registration site can be found here.