FSSA Publishes Statement on PFAS Regulation

At the request of FSSA membership, the FSSA PFAS Task Force has published the FSSA Advocacy Statement on Clean Agent Fire Suppressants and PFAS Regulation.

This document supports FSSA’s position that a “total ban” approach to PFAS compounds could impact society’s ability to protect mission critical applications, which keep people safe. Any legislation or regulation that restricts the manufacture, import, distribution, sale, or use of PFAS should exclude Clean Agents when they are used in fire and explosion protection applications. The document outlines the difference between PFAS, clean agents fire suppressants, and clean agents to help clearly define this issue for our members and provide fact-based information and guidance to regulators, AHJs, architects, the consulting design community, and other industry stakeholders. FSSA supports rational science-based efforts to eliminate sources of harm to humans and the environment. Due to the high risk to society in eliminating all PFAS materials due to an unnecessarily broad classification of compounds, we advocate for a scientific approach that distinguishes between Persistent,  Bioaccumulative and Toxic PFAS (PBTs) compounds from those which are not known to be PBT, based upon the best available science.

As a member of FSSA, you have access to this document to use as an attachment or reference in your advocacy efforts. If you would like to utilize this document in a manner other than as an attachment or reference, we ask that you contact FSSA ([email protected]) with a draft of your usage so that we can coordinate a customized effort with you.

We would appreciate knowing more about your advocacy efforts, your usage of the FSSA Advocacy Statement on Clean Agent Fire Suppressants and PFAS Regulation, and how we can further assist you.


View and download the statement here
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