Last Day to Register at Our Lowest Rate for the 2023 Annual Forum

Early bird registration ends today! 

Are you planning on attending the 2023 Annual Forum? Register today, December 6, to take advantage of our lowest registration rate before pricing increases.

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Early Bird Deadline is 1 Week Away for the 2023 Annual Forum

Early Bird registration deadline is one week away! 

Take advantage of our lowest registration rate and register before the deadline on Tuesday, December 6. Join us for FSSA's next Annual Forum on February 23-27, 2023 at the Royal Sonesta in San Juan, Puerto Rico. In addition to the educational sessions where you’ll be able to earn PDHs, the committee has some fun sprinkled in, including optional historic tours, beach Olympics, and a live auction. Connect with hundreds of leading professionals in the industry at the FSSA Annual Forum by registering today.

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EPA’s Proposed Explanation of Who is a HFC “Fire Suppressant Recycler”

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) in the November 3 Federal Register (2022-23269.pdf ( NPRM covers changes and clarifications to its regulations on HFC contained in 40 CFR 84. Within the NPRM the following footnote provides EPA’s an explanation of the term “fire suppressant recycler.”

Footnote 48 Page 66394 (Page 23 in the PDF document): 

Generally, an entity that collects used HFC fire suppressants and directly resells those recovered HFCs—with or without any additional reprocessing including testing for purity—to another person for reuse as a fire suppressant would qualify as a fire suppressant recycler (also referred to as a ‘‘recycler for fire suppression’’ in 40 CFR part 84, subpart A).

A person that recovers and aggregates used HFC fire suppressants for distribution to another entity for reprocessing before being sold for reuse as a fire suppressant would not be a fire suppressant recycler. 

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Become a Sponsor at the 2023 Annual Forum

FSSA is excited to host the next Annual Forum on February 23-27, 2023 at the Royal Sonesta in San Juan, Puerto Rico. By becoming a sponsor today, you'll gain exposure among hundreds of experienced professionals in the industry. Don't miss the opportunity to showcase your company, product or service at this premier event. The FSSA welcomes and appreciates corporate support.

Take advantage of the opportunity to sponsor educational sessions, receptions, giveaways and more to support the FSSA at the 2023 Annual Forum. 

Each of the opportunities will include:

  • Company logo and signage during the Annual Forum 
  • Acknowledgment by FSSA Leadership and emcee 
  • Sponsorship acknowledgment in the on-site program and on the FSSA website.

In order to secure an opportunity:

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DOT PHMSA to Host Forum to Discuss Future Research and Development Activities

The Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (DOT PHMSA) is holding a virtual forum on November 15 and 16, 2022 to discuss future research and development activities related to LNG facilities. One of the task groups will consider fire protection system design. FSSA members who have an interest in protection of liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities may want to participate in this forum to supply information and guidance to the PHMSA. Information on the forum is below:

The Department of Transportation
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Pipeline Safety Research Program

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FSSA: Treat Yourself to Eerie-sistible Early Bird Registration for the 2023 Annual Forum

The FSSA Annual Forum will be held February 23 - 27, 2023 at the Royal Sonesta San Juan in Puerto Rico. Join top special hazard industry professionals for this premier event that offers educational sessions, a partner expo, networking opportunities, and updates on FSSA initiatives including the unveiling of the strategic plan for 2023-2025.

With breathtaking scenery, a tropical climate, and inviting culture, Puerto Rico offers the perfect setting for the FSSA 2023 Annual Forum.  Register today and save $100!  Click here to view information on registration.

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Stay Current with Online Training Through FSSA

The current landscape of the fire suppression industry seems to be changing rapidly with no sign of slowing down in the near future. With the rise of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), shifting guidelines for things like Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance (ITM), as well as new industries more closely adopting NFPA guidelines, it has become crucial to stay ahead of the curve in regards to education.

FSSA's Training Program is designed to make it simple and convenient to keep up to date on all-things fire protection at a reasonable cost. Custom courses are based on products, procedures, practices, and systems, and FSSA has teamed with MC LMS to offer training that adapts to your individual learning style. It is a collaborative model that offers:

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Why You Should Become a Member of FSSA

The Fire Suppression Systems Association (FSSA) is a non-profit trade association that consists of an international community of thought leaders from all corners of the fire suppression industry. Our members include designer/installers, manufacturers, consultants, academics, and suppliers working together to share ideas and strategies to help the greater good.

Joining us as a FSSA member has its benefits:

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The AIM Act & The Future of HFCs in Fire Protection

Written by: Bill Polits, Director, Sales and Strategy, A-Gas

The AIM Act is landmark legislation curbing the production and consumption of HFCs in the US. The AIM Act also puts a focus on economic growth through job creation and American global leadership in technology and global trade. Despite lots of talk about the AIM Act, many in the fire protection industry have questions. While this article will outline the background behind this legislation, detail how the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will implement the AIM Act, describe the current situation for virgin HFCs in fire protection, and share what the future may hold for HFCs, the regulatory world is always evolving and changing. Thus, your company should always check with its own counsel to help with decision-making.

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The Adoption and Use of NFPA 855 in States and Local Communities

To: State and Local Building Officials, Fire Marshals, and other Local Authorities
From: The Fire Suppression Systems Association

The Fire Suppression Systems Association (FSSA) is a membership organization composed of manufacturers, installers, and professionals engaged in the application of fire suppression systems and other fire extinguishing technologies. The FSSA is very concerned with the severity of fires and explosions occurring in battery energy storage systems (BESS) using new battery technologies. Our members have collectively witnessed severe disruptions due to fires originating in these systems. 

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The Launch of the FSSA Blog

The Fire Suppression Systems Association (FSSA) is proud to announce the launch of our official blog.

The fast-growing membership and influence of our organization domestically and internationally has resulted in an urgent need for a place to make regular updates. Our hope is that the new FSSA blog will be a place to drive conversation and innovation while also serving to keep our audience at the forefront of the latest industry developments.

The FSSA blog will seek contributions from leading product developers, system engineers, policy makers, and others—all in an effort to be the premier source for all-things fire protection.

Please make sure to subscribe, bookmark, and share and check back regularly to stay in the loop. We encourage everyone to comment on posts and make requests for content that would benefit you in your particular field.

We are excited to interact with the fire protection industry in a new way and look forward to adding even more community-minded tools in the future.

Being a Member of the FSSA puts You in the Know

September 23, 2021 was a decision day for the EPA who made a final decision on the phase down on HFC’s. Throughout the entire process, our FSSA members were aware of the discussions and provided information to our members.  In fact, not only do we have members who regularly attend EPA related meetings, we have members sitting on or attending over 34 NFPA committees that may affect your business.  With the ability for codes to change every 3-5 years, and our members taking part in the discussions and providing reports, FSSA is well poised to be in the know.

This wealth of information is made available to the FSSA membership by providing access to written reports, technical meetings, webinars, and town hall meetings.

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Order the Newest FSSA Technical Guide

Order the Newest FSSA Technical Guide

The FSSA Design Guidelines for Total Flood Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems (CAD-01) is no longer available for pre order! FSSA now has the latest guide in stock and ready to ship. This guide provides appropriate guidelines when considering how to properly design a total flooding clean agent system that includes discussions on standards, customer requirements, experience, protected space evaluation, and more. Additionally, the guide address topics not normally covered in an engineering evaluation including system installation, commissioning, inspection, safety, and qualifications.

Includes discussions on the following:

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Announcing 2021-2022 FSSA Educational Foundation Scholarship Recipients

Announcing 2021-2022 FSSA Educational Foundation Scholarship Recipients

This year, the FSSA Educational Foundation awarded eleven scholarships totaling $17,000 to students pursuing a degree within fire suppression.

The Foundation is pleased to announce the scholarship recipients for the 2021-2022 school year. Congratulations!

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FSSA Online Training Program - Enroll Today

FSSA Online Training Program - Enroll Today

The FSSA training program is offered as an online self-study program that is broken into four periods. The online training can be taken as a full course (all four periods), by period, or by individual course. The program consists of electronic courses focusing on industry products, procedures, practices, and systems. Completely online, the self-paced courses allow the user to work on the program from anywhere they like.

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Global Outreach Committee

Check Out FSSA's Global Outreach Committee 

FSSA's committees assist the board of directors and headquarters with programs and ideas to advance the organization's mission which is to promote, educate and grow the special hazard fire protection industry. The global outreach committee was established earlier this year to improve global awareness of the special hazard fire suppression industry.

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Save the Date AF40

FSSA is proud to announce the FSSA Annual Forum will return, in-person, to celebrate its 40th Anniversary. Plans to celebrate this milestone will include an excellent selection of educational sessions, dynamic speakers and the opportunity to connect with some of the best minds in the industry. Not to mention a few surprises sprinkled in!

Included in the lineup of events will be the Partner Expo as well as the increasingly popular presentation, Showcasing Your Most Challenging Applications. We welcome those who have served our industry for the last 40+ years, newcomers and all those in between to join us in celebrating. 

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Consultant/Specifier Member

Join FSSA as a Consultant/Specifier Member

How often are you speaking to or working on projects involving consultants/specifiers? Perhaps you're a Consultant/Specifier yourself. FSSA is proud to announce the addition of this membership type to the organization. 

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